Thursday, May 6, 2010

Revlon Run/Walk For Women May 8th

Hey everyone-

Reba Cakes is baking 500 mini cupcakes for this weekends Revlon Run/Walk for women Los Angeles!

Reba Cakes will giving out complimentary mini cupcakes near the Finish Line Celebration!

Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Revlon Run/Walk For Women May 8th

Reba Cakes is happy to announce that they will be donating Spring Theme Egg Carton Mini's to Revlon Run/Walk for Women on May 8th.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Egg Carton Mini's for Easter!

Hi everyone,

Reba Cakes is coming up Easter.

Order a dozen egg carton mini's for your Easter dinner.

Bite size mini cupcakes decorated in pastel's and edible jelly belly eggs, atop edible green grass.

It's a great dessert and conversation piece to bring to the table!

Place a your order today.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Carrot Cupcakes a success!

Hi everyone,

Got lots of compliments on the Ken Cake (carrot cupcakes) at Daniel's 60th.

Let Reba Cakes bake your next batch of cupcakes!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

The Ken Cake

Reba Cakes just pulled the Ken Cakes (carrot cake) out of the oven for Daniel's 60th on Sunday.

They look so moist and smell amazing.

Don't you wish you were attending Daniel's 60th???

Thursday, March 18, 2010

What's your next occasion?

Reba Cakes is having a great week!

Filled a cupcake order for bassist Billy Sheehan's Birthday Bash (attended as well), delivered a marble sheetcake, delivered a box of samples to an office in Culver City and is making the Ken Cake (carrot cake) cupcakes for hair stylist Daniel's big 60th this weekend.

Place an order of homemade cupcakes with Reba Cakes for your next special occasion.